Even Strange Light Shines Forth

Even Strange Light Shines Forth
Is there ever artificial light?
sunlight and starlight,
northern lights and flashlights,
headlights and taillights,
and the nightlight down the hall
all illumine the gloom.
Even strange light shines forth -
Indoor incandescents,
office fluorescents
and plankton’s bio-luminescence -
glow worms and cats’ eyes,
fireflies and octopi!
And what about your inner sky
of light and love - the dreams
within your heart and mind?
Let them bless you.
Let them hold you.
Let them lead you home.
So nice, Paul! And loved your commentary on Baba's teaching!
Lovely thoughts eloquently expressed. Light is perhaps the simplest and purest form of Shakti, and it ultimately is the basis for all life. Sentient beings are Nature's way of converting sunlight into consciousness according to some scientific perspectives. Thanks, Paul, and please keep your insightful and beautiful images and thoughts coming!